Worship With Us Tomorrow Night

April 18, 2024
Nina Placious

“1 Peter 2:9 confirms that you and I were created to worship God: ‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light.’ If you love to worship, if it feels right to you, it’s because you’re doing what you were created to do.”

–Rory Noland (Author of Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven

Tomorrow night, Friday, April 19th, we will have the opportunity to come before the Lord as a congregation and give Him praise. We will gather in the Browncroft Sanctuary at 7pm.

“But Nina,” you might think, “we already do this on Sunday mornings. Why do we need a separate night to come together to worship?” 

To put it simply, it’s because we have been created and called to do so.  

Worship, as some might assume, is not just a way for those with musical gifts (like singing or playing guitar) to connect with God. Worship is a lifestyle. When we choose to worship the Lord in whatever stage or season we are in, we are acknowledging His presence in our lives and giving Him the attention He so rightly deserves.  

Washing the dishes? Praise the Lord.  

Going for a jog? Praise the Lord. 

Chasing your toddler around Target? Praise the Lord.  

As much as we associate worship with music, we are called to worship the Lord and give Him glory through everything we say and do. And the good news is you don’t need to be a professional musician to do it!

As much as we associate worship with music, we are called to worship the Lord and give Him glory through everything we say and do.

Worship feels good because it’s what we were created for. God created us to glorify and bless Him. When we follow through on our design, we have a purpose. And when we follow through on that purpose, we feel fulfilled. Worshiping the Lord gives us fulfillment– fulfillment that we cannot gain through worldly validation.  

Creating a habit of worship means intentionally creating spaces and opportunities where we have no other agenda but to praise the Lord. The more that we create these spaces, both in public and privately, the more that the habit of worship becomes something we cannot live without. It becomes the very thing that gives us life.  

So we hope you’ll consider joining us tomorrow night as we join with angels and saints in Heaven to praise the Lord together in glorifying unity. Wherever you’re at, He is worthy to be praised! 

“Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Praise Him with the sounding of trumpet, praise Him with harp and lyre, praise Him with timbrel and dancing, praise Him with strings and pipe, praise Him with cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

Psalm 150 

About The Author

Nina Placious

Nina Placious is Browncroft’s Staff Worship Leader. She’s been leading worship for over a decade and enjoys experiencing where God can use her to expand His kingdom. When she isn’t at church, Nina enjoys reading, rock climbing with her husband, and supporting women in childbirth as a doula.

Further reading

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