Browncroft Kids - Cooperation - March 2022

Why Family Ministry?

March 17, 2022
Trisha Smith - Browncroft Senior Director of Family Ministry
Trisha Smith

Have you ever wondered about the role of Family Ministry at Browncroft? Or why Family Ministry matters to me, even if I don’t have kids or students in the program?

In the simplest of terms Browncroft’s Family Ministry is a partnership between the church and the home. It’s the product of the church and the home having the same end goal for children — that each child would one day make a personal decision to put their faith and hope in Jesus. It’s the church and the home prioritizing and being intentional about that goal.

In the HOME that looks like parents modeling the way by prioritizing their own relationship with Jesus as they raise their children. Parents invest in developing their own spiritual habits by spending time with God, spending time with others, knowing & using their gifts, and sharing their faith. And they work to make these not just individual goals, but family habits

The Family Ministry partnership at home depends on parents who intentionally use the time they have with their children to encourage their spiritual growth.  I am so grateful for parents who are engaged and know what their kids are learning at church and then continue the discussion all week long!

So what about the CHURCH side of the partnership? Well, our goal is to point kids to a really big God who can handle whatever they may face!

It looks like teaching Browncroft Kids and Students that the Bible is God’s Word and should be their primary source for wisdom throughout their lives. It’s providing them with a community of peers who also believe that and will encourage them to grow in their faith. And it’s giving them opportunities to use the gifts God gave them to serve others… to know they are important to the church NOW and not just in the future.

The church side of the equation also involves providing other adults who will consistently show up for those kids, show them Christ’s love, point them to Christ’s truth, and reinforce the spiritual habits their parents are trying to model at home.

Student Night is something our children look forward to each week. The small group leaders strengthen what we are trying to achieve in guiding our kids toward a solid relationship with Jesus.

Browncroft Students Parent

Oh, and we strive to equip parents, too, with knowledge about what their children are learning and resources to help and encourage them in the day-to-day discipleship of their children.

The best way to invite Browncroft Kids and Students into a life-changing relationship with Jesus is through the combined efforts of BOTH the church and the home.

The small group leaders provide a role model and someone other than mom and dad to look up to. They give our children a safe place to look forward to outside of school and home.

Browncroft Kids Parent

Parents, you have a big job. Please know that we are here to support you, to cheer you on, and to love your kids. Even more important, remember that you are loved by an awesome God who you can depend on in all things.

And all Browncrofters… those currently with children at home… or maybe especially those who do not… you can build up the Family Ministry partnership by investing in the young lives who come through our doors every week. Our groups are growing. Praise God! And that means there are numerous opportunities to invest in the next generation.

Would you like to know how you can get involved in Family Ministry? Please contact me using the button below. And THANK YOU Browncroft for your investment in the strength of our families!

About The Author

Trisha Smith - Browncroft Senior Director of Family Ministry
Trisha Smith

Trisha Smith is Browncroft’s Senior Director of Family Ministry. She has served in various family ministry roles over the past 17 years. Outside of church she keeps busy cheering on her daughters in their many sporting events.

Further reading