careportal hope

What Is CarePortal?

July 29, 2021

Earlier this month we were challenged to remember our call to bear one another’s burdens. Pastor Ashley Cross from Glory House International and The Hub 585 explored this principle with us in a message based on Galatians 6:2 – “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Ashley acknowledged the burdens set on each of our hearts and encouraged us to go and gently restore those around us. If you didn’t get a chance to join in on July 19, you can catch the message by clicking the button below!

Ashley is actually a great example of one that bears the burdens of others. In fact, it was the burden on her heart for kids and families in the foster care system, as well as her love for the Church, that led Ashley and her team at The Hub 585 to develop CarePortal.

CarePortal is an online platform that uses technology to establish and accelerate connections between churches and local children and families in crisis. Many of these individuals do not have a strong community around them, and this gives the Church the opportunity to step up and surround them with practical compassion.

There are three tiers that CarePortal uses to assist families: 1. Physical, 2. Relational, 3. Family

Browncroft is signed up as a partner church with CarePortal, and right now our focus is on Tier 1. Some of the physical requests that come in are seemingly small, but very helpful — like a need for diapers. Other requests might be a little bit bigger — perhaps a bed frame and mattress. When needs arise, Browncroft gets notified and members of our CarePortal team can decide if they are able to meet the need at that time. They can be claimed by an individual who wants to help or they can be divided up by a small group and completed together. Also, not every request needs to be met by Browncroft… churches from all over Rochester are partnering in this effort!

Does this sound exciting to you? Would you like to be part of our CarePortal volunteer team? Or maybe you’d like to learn a bit more? Well, then please join us for an informational meeting on Saturday, August 14, at 9:30am here at Browncroft. And please send me a note to let me know you’re coming (or to ask any questions) using the button below!

About The Author

Further reading

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