Opportunities To ‘Mobilize’

all in mobilize - "go for it"

You might wonder… “How could I take a next step in mobilizing my faith?” Well, let me share a few different opportunities to consider in the months ahead.

All In Prayer – Community

all in prayer focus - centennial week

Lord, continue Your work in this church to build healthy and life-changing community. May we live out the Gospel by loving people as You would.

All In Prayer – Outreach

all in prayer focus - centennial week

We were specifically created to do good works, and there is comfort knowing God already has a plan for us. We just have to say, “Yes.”

All In Prayer – Worship

all in prayer focus - centennial week

Experiencing the compassionate love of God and letting it orient our lives is foundational to how we worship

All In Prayer – Discipleship

all in prayer focus - centennial week

Browncroft exists 100 years after its founding because generations of believers have taken the Great Commission seriously.

All In Prayer – Heritage

all in prayer focus - centennial week

When we think of spiritual practices, we think of prayer, silence, Bible reading, worship, and journaling. Remembering is also a vital spiritual practice.

What’s Next?

what's next?

“What’s next?” Part of developing into a deeply formed follower of Jesus is returning to this fundamental question again and again.

Finding a Church and a Purpose

finding a church and a purpose

When my wife and I moved to Webster in 1980, we didn’t know anyone. I soon found that Browncroft offered much of what we were looking for.

An ‘All In’ Preview

Main Centennial Graphic

On Sunday we began “All In: Building on 100 Years of Life-Change in Jesus.” Anchored in our church’s rich history, this series is an invitation for all to a renewed commitment to our mission in the present.

Browncroft 100

Centennial Main Graphic

Browncroft is turning 100 years old! Some might think, “Ok. So what?” Well, in my book a centennial is something to celebrate!