Browncroft Women

Browncroft Women In The New Year

January 19, 2023
tricia yoder

Happy New Year Browncroft! On Sunday I had the opportunity to highlight an event the Browncroft Women’s ministry is hosting this weekend called “Healthful YOU.” And the response has been amazing! We’re actually at full capacity for participants.

But don’t worry… there are more opportunities to come. If you or a woman in your life would like to stay in the loop, please click below to join our email distribution list. And please keep reading!

Browncroft has had a women’s ministry for some time, but over the last couple years we have been revamping it. Inspired by our church’s focus on four spiritual habits, Browncroft Women’s mission is to “strive to equip and empower all women to grow in their relationships with God and others.” And we have been excited to see women connecting and encouraging one another as they spend time at our events!

Most recently, we held a panel during our church’s “Send Me” conference that focused on “Delivering the Hope (JESUS!) of the Holidays.” The panelists encouraged women to connect with others and give “hope” globally, in their community, and with themselves and their families. We’ve also held events that featured creative skills (watercolor painting, jewelry making, multi-media word art, and wreath making), coffee tasting, and more… all aimed at building bonds among those attending and, most important, with God!

Browncroft Women’s mission is to “strive to equip and empower all women to grow in their relationships with God and others.”

Now if you missed registering for this Saturday’s “Healthful YOU” gathering, be sure to mark your calendar for our next events. We’ll be coming alongside to support a church-wide spiritual formation conference on March 18. Then looking forward to spring (hurray!) on May 13 from 9am- 2pm we will host an event featuring Becky Harling as our guest speaker. For those who don’t know her, I can tell you that Becky has a passion for women. She is an author, coach, blogger, and has her own podcast called “The Connected Mom.” She’s also the wife of our former pastor, Steve Harling!

You can find out more about Becky by going to, and I’d also encourage you to get familiar with her by listening to a recent episode of Browncroft’s “Why God Why” podcast where she talks about feeling lonely:

Again if you are interested in getting more information or getting connected with Browncroft Women, please join our “Browncroft Women” Facebook group or click below to fill out an interest form.

May the Lord bless you in this new year. I hope to see you soon!

About The Author

tricia yoder

Tricia is Browncroft’s Kids Director. She loves watching the ministry’s volunteer teams influence the next generation by leading them and teaching them God’s truth.

Further reading

God Is Moving at Browncroft

As we wind down the school year and officially head into summer, I am thankful for our church and the ways that God is moving through the hearts and lives of so many.
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A Praying Church

As part of our ongoing effort to be a praying church, Browncroft has a weekly Prayer Sheet distributed to our congregation via email. If you would like to commit to praying over the people in our church, you can sign up to receive it! My hope for Browncroft is that we continue to be a praying community– humbly approaching the Lord on behalf of one another, especially during challenging times.
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You’re Invited to Summer Nights!

As a church, we want to create space to connect with each other during the summer. Instead of replicating the activities we do during the rest of the year, our intention is to provide space for community and reflection. This summer we are trying something brand new called “Browncroft Summer Nights."
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