
Baptism – Celebrating Reconciliation

April 15, 2021

This Sunday we will see faith in action. We will have a time of baptism — a symbol and celebration of Jesus reconciling us to Himself and to each other!

As I reflect on this, I am reminded Acts 8:26-40, which recounts one of the most fascinating baptism stories in the Bible. Philip, an Apostle of Jesus, has a radical encounter with an angel who tells him to go to the desert. There he meets a royal official from Ethiopia.  It just so happens that this man is reading from the book of Isaiah. He needs someone to explain to him a prophetic passage that points directly to Jesus. Philip shares the Gospel, and then the Ethiopian wants to go all in on his new belief in Christ. He wants to be baptized.  

Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”

Acts 8:35-36

Consider the great lengths God took to put these individuals together. In radical obedience, Philip says “yes” to going where he does not know and “yes” to taking time to explain the Gospel to this man — a man who then became his brother in Christ.

Isn’t that exciting? Baptism reminds us of our place as brothers and sisters in the family of God.  We celebrate Jesus reconciling individuals to Himself. And we also celebrate how Jesus bonds us together through the Gospel. Baptism reminds us that no matter how different we are, the death and resurrection of Jesus brings us together. Said another way, Jesus vertically reconciles us with God and horizontally with others.  

If you have decided to follow Jesus but have not yet been baptized, we want to celebrate what Jesus has done in your life. You are part of our Browncroft family and, more importantly, the family of God.  In addition to our time of baptism on Sunday, we will have another opportunity on May 23. Please learn more and sign up using the button below!

If you are already baptized, don’t just read over this blog post thinking you already checked that box. Stop and think. When was the last time you encouraged someone to get baptized? Would you ask members of your small group about their baptism stories? Will you invite someone to take a powerful next step in their faith? 

I look forward to celebrating with you this Sunday and beyond. Praise God for baptism and His heart for our reconciliation!

Reconciled IG Graphic

About The Author

Further reading

Jesus Culture: Restoring the World Through Ordinary Life

The Church of Jesus is called to be light in a dark world—a world that has always been at odds with the kingdom of God. We are called not simply to defend our faith, but to bring it to life in our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. Over the month of June, we will be discussing practical ways that we can do this in our everyday lives.
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Our Newest Global Partnership

I am excited to share that, by the generosity of our Browncroft congregation through the Reach 2024 campaign, and by the blessing of God, our church has recently developed a partnership with the Dardania Network, a church-planting movement in Kosovo!
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Survey Says…

Last month, our Discipleship Team created a survey that we sent out to the entire church. Over 500 of you gave us your input! The feedback you contributed is invaluable as we move into planning our next program year.
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