Bible study and journal

A New Year’s Challenge

December 28, 2021

Looking back on 2021, you have probably noticed that we focused extensively on four spiritual habits:

  • Spend Time With God
  • Spend Time With Others
  • Know & Use Your Gifts
  • Share Your Faith

One practice central to all these habits, especially “Spend Time With God,” is reading your Bible. When you read the Bible, you discover the story of the Gospel.  

During the “Four Habits” message series earlier this year, Pastor Rob highlighted that the Bible shapes how we live by engaging our hearts. He made this statement: 

“The most important resource we have for spiritual growth and change in our lives is the Bible. It’s more than good information, it’s the power of God to change our lives. But we not only need to read it but allow it to read us, to challenge us to repentance and a new kind of life.” 

As we look to the new year, I want to invite you to join us in a two-year Bible reading plan. Reading the whole Bible helps us see the grand landscape of the story of God. Not every passage comes easy, but you will be surprised to see how God connects the dots. We see how God works through individuals and engages humanity. It causes us to pause to see God at work in our own lives. 

Come join us on this journey. You have three options on how to engage this plan of reading the Bible in two years. 

And don’t forget about using the Habits journal we handed out earlier this year! It’s a fantastic place for you to process how God is speaking through His Word.  Don’t have one? We’ll be handing out more this coming Sunday, January 2!

May the Lord bless us in 2022 as we spend time with Him reading His Word – the Bible.

About The Author

Further reading

God Is Moving at Browncroft

As we wind down the school year and officially head into summer, I am thankful for our church and the ways that God is moving through the hearts and lives of so many.
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A Praying Church

As part of our ongoing effort to be a praying church, Browncroft has a weekly Prayer Sheet distributed to our congregation via email. If you would like to commit to praying over the people in our church, you can sign up to receive it! My hope for Browncroft is that we continue to be a praying community– humbly approaching the Lord on behalf of one another, especially during challenging times.
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You’re Invited to Summer Nights!

As a church, we want to create space to connect with each other during the summer. Instead of replicating the activities we do during the rest of the year, our intention is to provide space for community and reflection. This summer we are trying something brand new called “Browncroft Summer Nights."
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