Rooted 2022

More to God Than We Know

February 10, 2022
Adele Bovard
Adele Bovard

When I was ten years old, my older sister had a volatile conversation with my dad. She challenged him to open his mind to the fact that there was more to God than he knew.

Dad did not receive that challenge well at the time, but my sister’s words began a personal journey of discovery for each member of my family. Before long each of us accepted Christ as our Savior as the Spirit moved on our hearts. And in the years since then my faith has been shaped and strengthened through a personal daily devotional practice, as well as engagement with other Christians through Bible studies, small groups, and acts of service.

So when I heard about Browncroft’s Rooted study, I was interested. I felt a particular connection to the international strength of the program and the notion of daily rhythms for living a Christian life. Also, as I explored the leadership training for this study, two thoughts resonated deeply with me: (1) Shepherd and guide rather than teach or preach, and (2) We believe this journey will change you.

I took those thoughts to heart as my new group began. Also, as a leader, preparing for the group each week challenged me to “get back to the basics” of faith. It was profound to hear the groups’ reaction to the seven rhythms of Rooted and to work through a shared understanding and personal application.

I was thankful we made a commitment to each other to share honestly about our journey to faith. After all, walking out our faith each day comes with the joy of knowing that you have God walking with you. But that does not stop the fact that you have questions, setbacks, and times of discouragement. We acknowledged to each other that life can be messy, and we made a commitment to support each other through all of it.

The rhythms of the Rooted Study challenged us to reflect on our faith. We all wanted more of God in our lives and as we met and shared our stories, we felt God with us in a powerful way.

To all of you reading this blog, I would repeat the challenge from my sister so many years ago.

There is always more to God than we know about!

Consider that being a Rooted leader or participating in a Rooted group may be the connection God has for you at this time in your journey of faith. I can attest that the journey has changed me, and I wholeheartedly believe the journey will change you.

About The Author

Adele Bovard
Adele Bovard

Adele has joyfully served in many roles in public education for over thirty years. In retirement she continues to work with schools all over the country to create a culture of care for students through the use of restorative practices. She serves as the Chair of the New York State Women In Administration and also serves on the board of the New York State School Music Association as chair of their Diversity Committee.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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Don’t Miss These Upcoming Events

At Browncroft we want to help people connect with God and others in authentic relationships. We have a lot of exciting events coming up in the next several weeks we'd love to have you join us for.
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